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This paper examines long-range dependence in the inflation rates of the G7 countries by estimating their (fractional …
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The paper analyses the reasons for Japan's persistently low inflation since the bursting of the Japanese bubble economy … (low inflation conundrum). It is shown that Japan experienced a structural break from a high-growth period with relatively … high inflation to a low-growth period with exceptionally low inflation since the early 1990s. We show based on a stylized …
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predicts a short-term inflation-output trade-off, a liquidity effect, countercyclical markups, and procyclical wages after …
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inflation by using a Nonlinear ARDL (NARDL) model, which is compared to a benchmark linear ARDL one. Using monthly data from the …, especially negative ones, have a stronger impact on inflation than OPU ones and capture some of the monetary policy uncertainty …, thereby reducing the direct effect of interest rate changes on inflation. Since EPU shocks reflect, at least to some extent …
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This paper examines the degree of persistence in UK inflation by applying long-memory methods to historical data that … evolution over time. On the whole, the evidence suggests that the degree of persistence of UK inflation has been relatively …-Bretton Woods changes in UK inflation are attributable to a fall in the volatility of permanent shocks. …
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This paper estimates a time-varying AR-GARCH model of inflation producing measures of inflation uncertainty for the … policy regime change associated with the start of EMU in 1999. The main findings are as follows. Steady-state inflation and … inflation uncertainty have declined steadily since the inception of EMU, whilst short-run uncertainty has increased, mainly …
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changeover, Italian retailers have increased the number of price adjustments, which has translated into a higher inflation rate … ; inflation …
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inflation persistence in both the euro zone and the European Union as a whole (EU27). For this purpose a fractional integration … evidence of a significant increase in inflation persistence (especially in the case of the EU27, for which in addition to jumps …
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We analyze the impact of price stability-oriented monetary strategies (inflation targeting - IT - and constraining … exchange rate arrangements) on inflation persistence using a time-varying coefficients framework in a panel of 68 countries … (1993-2013). We show that explicit IT has a stronger effect on taming inflation persistence than implicit IT and is …
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This paper investigates the asymptotic local power of the the averaged t-test of Im, Pesaran and Shin (2003, IPS hereafter) in the presence of both initial explosive conditions and incidental trends. By utilizing the least squares detrending methods, it is found that the initial condition plays...
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