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with knowledge diffusion policies, particularly those favoring advanced technology adoption by small firms. In this case …
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markups over time. With minimal assumptions, we can disentangle aggregate markup and trade cost changes from observed changes … that across all country pairs, on average, bilateral aggregate markups have increased by 2.8% per year. As bilateral trade … changes. Markups have increased less in high-income countries than in other countries. …
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This paper develops a theory of oligopoly and markups in general equilibrium. Firms compete in a network of product … corporations in the USA, using publicly-available data. Using the model, I compute firm-level markups and decompose them into: 1) a …
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This paper develops a dynamic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms that face search complementarities in the formation of vendor contracts. Search complementarities amplify small differences in productivity among firms. Market concentration fosters monopsony power in the labor...
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Market power exercised by firms has become central to macroeconomics. Recent theoretical work highlights the importance of the relation between market power and inflation. We examine this relation for individual firms in eleven U.S. industries. Our econometric framework exploits restrictions...
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technology shocks in explaining aggregate fluctuations. To this end we estimate the model's posterior density using Markov …
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Using firm-level survey data for the West German manufacturing sector, this paper revisits the technology …-driven business cycle hypothesis for the case of aggregate investment. We construct a survey-based measure of technology shocks to … gauge their contribution to short-run investment fluctuations. We estimate an upper bound for the contribution of technology …
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This paper proposes a theoretical framework to analyze the impacts of credit and technology shocks on business cycle … different realizations of firm specific technology shocks, possibly leading to default by some firms. The paper advances a new … financial institutions in the transmission of credit and technology shocks to the real economy. A positive credit shock, defined …
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This paper shows the importance of technological synergies among heterogeneous firms for aggregate fluctuations. First, we document six novel empirical facts using microdata that suggest the existence of important technological synergies between trading firms, the presence of positive...
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document that while firms mainly grow by selling to more customers, their markups are only associated with their average sales … customer acquisition and variable markups. Relative to a model without customer acquisition, our model generates higher …
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