Showing 1 - 10 of 198
The timing of payment can enhance salience, making customers more price-responsive when paying before consumption rather than after. This study examines Indonesia’s nationwide switch to prepaid electricity metering, impacting over 40 million households. We find that prepaid metering users are...
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This paper develops a pseudo-panel approach to examine household electricity demand behaviour through the household … evidence that the income elasticity of French residential electricity demand is 0.22, averaged over our four cohorts of …
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This paper examines the advantages and drawbacks of alternative methods of estimating oil supply and oil demand … conclusion that the one-month oil supply elasticity is close to zero, which implies that oil demand shocks are the dominant …
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Baumeister and Hamilton (2019a) assert that every critique of their work on oil markets by Kilian and Zhou (2019a) is without merit. In addition, they make the case that key aspects of the economic and econometric analysis in the widely used oil market model of Kilian and Murphy (2014) and its...
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We propose a new instrument for estimating the price elasticity of gasoline demand that exploits systematic differences … response to an aggregate oil price shock. Time-varying estimates do not support the view that the gasoline demand elasticity … rose to about -0.2 in 2015-16, but has remained stable since 2016. Gasoline demand is more responsive in states with lower …
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Is green consumerism beneficial to the environment and the economy? To shed light on this question, we study the political economy of environmental regulations in a model with neutral and green consumers where the latter derive some warm glow from buying a good of higher environmental quality...
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information disclosure strongly decreases demand for energy efficiency, while partial information disclosure increases demand …
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Many jurisdictions use net metering to record the power exchange between solar photovoltaic panels and the grid, thus valuing home production at the electricity retail rate. However, if over the billing period, production exceeds consumption, the surplus remains freely available for consumption....
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In June 2018, an agreement between key EU institutions - the Commission, the European Parliament, and the European Council - was reached after a long-lasting discourse over the 2030 EU climate and energy policy package. This paper offers a comprehensive assessment of the EU package, with its...
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demand side of this market. In particular, we consider the effects on Russian energy consumers of removing natural gas …
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