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This paper discusses long-term trends in the macroeconomic growth performance and in income distribution in Europe and …
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This paper studies a model of the distribution of income under bounded needs. Utility derived from any given good …
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With varying aptitudes in different occupations, individuals typically maximize income by specializing in one … occupation which promises the highest income. Due to numerous labor market imperfections and uncertainties, the choice of best … occupation is accomplished with only partial success. We demonstrate that an income tax that reduces after-tax income …
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In a public good economy the distribution of initial income is an important determinant of how many individuals … derived that describes the proportion of all income distributions for which an interior Cournot-Nash equilibrium will result …
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effects at the individual level, depending on household equivalent income. Specifically, we show that ethnic heterogeneity in …
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attitudes. Along with the subjects’ receptiveness to right-wing populism, we elicit their perceived relative income positions in … a representative survey of German households. We find that people with pessimistic beliefs about their income position … differences in the mechanism: Misperception triggers income dissatisfaction for both men and women, but the former are much more …
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Although lower income is associated with overweight (and obesity), such an association is explained by a number of … other confounding effects such as omitted variables (e.g., time preferences) explaining that income effect on overweight. We … study the effect of unearned income shocks resulting from a lottery win (windfall income) on both overweight (alongside …
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and age distribution across countries in a fundamental way. In this paper we focus on the income consequences of these … changes for the global income distribution. Key in this respect are changes in the so-called demographic dividend associated … demographic dividend to income projections. Our findings are as follows. First, show that historically the impact of demography on …
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This paper explores the relationships between air pollution, income, wealth, and race by combining administrative data … survey and administrative data. In the first year of our data, the relationship between income and ambient pollution levels … national income distribution, Black individuals are exposed to, on average, higher levels of pollution than White individuals …
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-relocated neighbors, the RRZ population experienced a significant initial decrease in their wages and salaries, and in their total income … decreases in wages and salaries, and total income. There were no discernible impacts of the relocation on self-employment income …. In sum, we find strong evidence that the managed retreat program had identifiable adverse real effects on personal income …
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