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-level investment is procyclical. We show that a heterogeneous-firm RBC model with quantitatively realistic countercyclically disperse … state investment rate distribution, produces investment dispersion that positively comoves with the cycle, with a …-sectional firm dynamics ; lumpy investment ; countercyclical risk ; aggregate shocks ; idiosyncratic shocks ; heterogeneous firms …
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-varying uncertainty, highlighted in the literature. -- Ss model ; RBC model ; lumpy investment ; countercyclical risk ; aggregate shocks …
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-driven business cycle hypothesis for the case of aggregate investment. We construct a survey-based measure of technology shocks to … gauge their contribution to short-run investment fluctuations. We estimate an upper bound for the contribution of technology … shocks to the variance of the aggregate investment growth rate of 19 percent. The larger part of fluctuations in aggregate …
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This paper estimates the causal effect of corporate tax hikes on firm investment based on more than 1,400 local tax … changes. By observing planned and realized investment volumes in a representative sample of German manufacturing firms, we can … study how tax hikes induce firms to revise their investment decisions. On average, the share of firms that invest less than …
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shock. Our estimated model uncovers a central role for investment in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, as high … MPCs amplify the investment response in the data. This force also generates a procyclical response of consumption to … investment shocks, leading our model to infer a central role for these shocks as a source of business cycles. …
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This paper looks at the extent to which the shift in the lower value added production to countries in the following development "tier" is actually becoming a reality. Several countries in East Asia have been upgrading production patterns and moving up the value chain, this paper looks at how...
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We estimate the relationship between investment and unemployment in order to explore whether the medium … up, both employment and investment fell although the estimated coefficient of investment is slightly smaller when the …
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-tax country induces bunching. Such bunching promotes investment incentives in the low-tax as well as the high-tax country. In … equilibrium, affiliates might over-invest and the bunching-related investment effects generate a tendency for too high profit … investment incentives and transfer pricing induces inefficiently low taxes. …
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between countries generates positive investment spillover, intra-firm production linkages predict negative spillover. Using … subsidiary-level data and exogenous corporate tax hikes, we find that local business units cut investment by 0.4% for a 1 …
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-off between raising tax revenue by reducing profit shifting and attracting investment. Accounting for extensive margin profit …
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