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The paper shows that taking inventory control out of the hands of competitive or exclusive retailers and assigning it … because doing so solves incentive distortions that arise when retailers have to allocate inventory across sales periods, and … thus allows for better intertemporal price discrimination. Assigning inventory control to a manufacturer is also shown to …
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The paper develops a simple theoretical model of inventory control in global supply chains. It identifies a role for … intermediaries in managing inventory, and shows that inserting an intermediary as an additional link in a supply chain is profitable … when demand volatility is high. It also provides conditions under which the intermediary handling inventory is located in …
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shipments. In our inventory model, transportation costs and optimal shipment frequency are determined on the basis of demand as … well as inventory and per shipments costs. Using a cross section of monthly firm-product-destination level French export …
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We develop a dynamic model of inventory investment and trade to examine how firms adjust to changes in international … are shown to significantly reduce both the inventory-sales and the import-sales ratios, as the firm adjusts its stockout …
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We study the effects of news shocks on inventory accumulation in a structural VAR framework. We establish that … inventories react strongly and positively to news about future increases in total factor productivity. Theory suggests that the …
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In this paper, we study a two-country dynamic setup with environmental externalities and potential model misspecification in relation to this public good. Under model uncertainty, robust policies help to correct the inefficiencies associated with free riding on public good provision, implying...
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This paper extends the transformed maximum likelihood approach for estimation of dynamic panel data models by Hsiao, Pesaran, and Tahmiscioglu (2002) to the case where the errors are cross-sectionally heteroskedastic. This extension is not trivial due to the incidental parameters problem that...
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Robust decision making implies welfare costs or robustness premia when the approximating model is the true data generating process. To examine the importance of these premia at the aggregate level we employ a simple two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model with human capital and introduce an...
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To synthesize the literature on determinants of the shadow economy, this paper uses three cross-national shadow economy measures and employs numerous determinants over hundreds of model combinations to identify robust determinants of the shadow economy and address modeling uncertainty. We find...
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