Showing 1 - 10 of 783
There are several empirical studies of ex post analysis of citations in academia. There is no ex ante analysis of citations. I consider a game-theoretic model of a contest between scholars on the basis of two widely-used measures of citations (i.e., the ℎ-index and total citation count) and...
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This paper revisits the airline schedule-buffer choice problem analyzed by Brueckner, Czerny and Gaggero (2020) using a simpler model where the random shocks influencing flight times are discrete rather than continuous. The analysis yields closed-form solutions for the flight and ground buffers...
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This paper presents an extensive theoretical and empirical analysis of the choice of schedule buffers by airlines. With airline delays a continuing problem around the world, such an undertaking is valuable, and its lessons extend to other passenger transportation sectors. One useful lesson from...
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We consider a multi-service transportation system in which passengers are heterogeneous along two dimensions, namely ideal departure time and value of time, leading to both horizontal and vertical differentiation. We investigate the behavior of passengers, and assess how service pricing and...
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Understanding the roots of human cooperation among strangers is of great importance for solving pressing social dilemmas and maintening public goods in human societies. We study the development of cooperation in 929 young children, aged 3 to 6. In a unified experimental framework, we examine...
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experiment across seven colleges to evaluate the algorithm's effects on students. Placement rates into college-level courses …
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experiment where, for given levels of audit probabilities, fines and tax rates, subjects have to declare their income after … information treatment, are associated, in the context of our experiment, with a significantly larger growth in evasion intensity …
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experiment to test several hypotheses on effective means to attract minority candidates for top professional careers. By randomly …
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which differentiates our experiment from previous ones. We control, first, for inter-individual performance differences …
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We study whether and how parents interfere paternalistically in their children's intertemporal decision-making. Based on experiments with over 2,000 members of 610 families, we find that parents anticipate their children's present bias and aim to mitigate it. Using a novel method to measure...
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