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are information seeking otherwise. Because belief updating depends on the decision problem in which new information is …
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This study measures the differences in ambiguity attitudes of groups and individuals in the gain and loss domain. We elicit the ambiguity attitudes and ambiguity-generated insensitivity for natural temperature events. We do not find significant differences between individuals and groups in our...
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We develop interpretable, quantitative indices of the objective and subjective complexity of lottery choice problems that can be computed for any standard dataset. These indices capture the predicted error rate in identifying the lottery with the highest expected value, where the predictions are...
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when a decision is complex, they implicitly treat different time delays to some degree alike. By experimentally measuring … when the decision environment is more complex. Third, cognitive uncertainty matters for choice architecture: people who are …
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preferences. Among the behavioral patterns that allow for a clear-cut interpretation on the decision level, we find that roughly …
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We conduct an incentivized experiment on a nationally representative US sample (N=708) to test whether people prefer to avoid ambiguity even when it means choosing dominated options. In contrast to the literature, we find that 55% of subjects prefer a risky act to an ambiguous act that always...
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decision-makers. Individuals reveal a strong and robust preference for skewness, which is inconsistent with expected utility …
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explain a set of behavioral anomalies identified across four distinct domains of decision-making: choice under risk, choice …
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We formulate a simple quantum decision model of the Ellsberg paradox. We report the results of an experiment we …
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Ambiguous prospects are ubiquitous in social and economic life, but the psychological foundations of behavior under ambiguity are still not well understood. One of the most robust empirical regularities is the strong correlation between attitudes towards ambiguity and compound risk which...
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