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model provides micro-foundations for a nonlinear Phillips curve: the sensitivity of inflation to activity increases after … large shocks due to an endogenous rise in the frequency of price changes, as observed during the recent inflation surge. In … response to large cost-push shocks, optimal policy leverages the lower sacrifice ratio to reduce inflation and stabilize the …
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We estimate the effects of monetary policy on price-setting behavior in administrative micro data underlying the German producer price index. We find a strong degree of monetary nonneutrality. After expansionary monetary policy, the mass of additional price adjustments is economically small and...
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estate, as well as the costs of public goods to develop alternative inflation measures in Germany since the introduction of … the euro. Real economic growth as well as median wage developments are reexamined in light of the alternative inflation …
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The paper analyses the reasons for Japan's persistently low inflation since the bursting of the Japanese bubble economy … (low inflation conundrum). It is shown that Japan experienced a structural break from a high-growth period with relatively … high inflation to a low-growth period with exceptionally low inflation since the early 1990s. We show based on a stylized …
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Is inflation (still) a global phenomenon? We study the international co-movement of inflation based on a dynamic factor … explains approximately 58% of the variation in headline inflation across all countries and over 72% in OECD economies. The … explanatory power of global inflation is equally high in a shorter sample spanning the time since 2000. Core inflation is also …
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. Evidence shows a high correlation between money growth and general price inflation for Japan from 1980 to 2022, supporting the … view that inflation is a monetary phenomenon. The paper argues that Japan’s inflation has remained low since the 1990s …
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stronger bargaining position when they try to prevent a cut in money wages. If inflation is so low that some money wages have … to be cut, workers‘ stronger bargaining position requires higher unemployment in equilibrium. However, inflation is more … stable when money wage rigidity binds, providing an incentive for monetary policy makers to choose a low target for inflation …
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inflation by using a Nonlinear ARDL (NARDL) model, which is compared to a benchmark linear ARDL one. Using monthly data from the …, especially negative ones, have a stronger impact on inflation than OPU ones and capture some of the monetary policy uncertainty …, thereby reducing the direct effect of interest rate changes on inflation. Since EPU shocks reflect, at least to some extent …
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data determine two inflation regimes and find that they are characterized by high and low inflation volatility. We then … exhibit a more substantial and more persistent effect on downstream prices during periods of elevated inflation volatility … effective in State 2. Exogenously differentiating regimes by the level of inflation or the shock size does not reveal state …
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policy will temporarily aid debt sustainability through a temporary burst in inflation. The anticipation of a possible reform … links debt levels with inflation expectations. As a result, interest rates have two effects: they influence demand and … affect expected inflation in opposite directions. The expectations effect is linked to the impact of interest rates on public …
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