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Does enhanced shareholder liability reduce bank failure? We compare the performance of around 4,200 state-regulated banks of similar size in neighboring U.S. states with different liability regimes during the Great Depression. The distress rate of limited liability banks was 29% higher than that...
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This study is an empirical investigation of theoretical predictions concerning the impact of bank competition on bank risk and asset allocations. Recent work (Boyd, De Nicolò and Jalal, 2009, BDNJ henceforth) predicts that as competition in banking increases, the loan-to-asset ratio will rise...
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Ethnically diverse countries are more prone to conflict, but why do some groups engage in conflict while others do not? I show that civil conflict is explained by ethnic groups' cultural distance to the central government: an increase in cultural distance, proxied by linguistic distance,...
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which it delivers distinctive testable predictions on the sign and direction of convergence. We then use the World Value …
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We argue that migrants played a significant role in the diffusion of the demographic transition from France to the rest of Europe in the late 19th century. Employing novel data on French immigration from other European regions from 1850 to 1930, we find that higher immigration to France...
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We investigate how changes in the sex ratio induced by World War II affected the bargaining patterns of Italian men in … that men in post-war marriages were better off in terms of their spouse’s education, this gain amounting to about half a …
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single is treated as given, and it captures returns from employment. Single unemployed men conduct a so-called constrained … costly ex-ante investment in schooling. We establish the existence of market equilibria where a fraction of men get educated …
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and its heterogeneous effects on the labor market opportunities of men and women affected demographic behavior. We focus … participation declined, reducing the relative economic stature of men. Regions affected by intense robot penetration experienced … relative prospects of men may reduce their marriage-market value and affect marital and fertility behavior. …
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This theoretical paper explores the impact of gender diversity on team production. The key assumption is that men … expected team production if (i) men and women have similar expected ability, and (ii) monetary incentives to exert effort are …
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that the marriage was arranged against the woman's will, and makes men less inclined to engage in socially unacceptable …
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