Showing 1 - 10 of 111
Applied work often studies the effect of a binary variable (“treatment”) using linear models with additive effects. I study the interpretation of the OLS estimands in such models when treatment effects are heterogeneous. I show that the treatment coefficient is a convex combination of two...
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The perpetual inventory method used for the construction of education data per country leads to systematic measurement error. This paper analyses the effect of this measurement error on GDP regressions. There is a systematic difference in the education level between census data and observations...
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The paper explores the effect of measurement errors on the estimation of a linear panel data model. The conventional fixed effects estimator, which ignores measurement errors, is biased. By correcting for the bias one can construct consistent and asymptotically normal estimators. In addition, we...
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The leading strategy for analyzing unstructured data uses two steps. First, latent variables of economic interest are estimated with an upstream information retrieval model. Second, the estimates are treated as “data” in a downstream econometric model. We establish theoretical arguments for...
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A growing number of American states require that students who do not demonstrate basic reading proficiency at the end of third grade be retained and provided with remedial services. We exploit a discontinuity in the probability of third grade retention under Floridaś test-based promotion policy...
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This paper develops a unified framework for fixed and random effects estimation of higher-order spatial autoregressive panel data models with spatial autoregressive disturbances and heteroskedasticity of unknown form in the idiosyncratic error component. We derive the moment conditions and...
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This paper examines the implications of pricing errors and factors that are not strong for the Fama-MacBeth two-pass estimator of risk premia and its asymptotic distribution when T is fixed with n → ∞, and when both n and T → ∞, jointly. While the literature just distinguishes strong and...
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Session-specific features of a laboratory experiment, if those exist, do not disappear by clustering standard errors at the session level. Randomly ordering sessions, which is crucial to deal with sampling issues, cannot justify clustering the standard errors at the session level. The...
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