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conditions, credit default and bank capitalization for the transmission of macroeconomic shocks. We fit the model to euro area … empirical literature, i.e. the pro-cyclicality of bank profitability and the counter-cyclical response of firm default rates and …
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How effective are "smart" sanctions in imposing costs on an adversary? We consider this question in a model where a targeted regime may choose to "shield" strategically important firms from harm. Using detailed firm and individual data, we estimate the impact on firm performance from smart...
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In this paper we model the volatility of the spread between the overnight interest rate and the central bank policy … is the main determinant of the volatility of the policy spread, but also that private bank credit risk has become more …
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Because of secrecy, little is known about the political economy of central bank lending. Utilizing a novel, hand … unprecedented government bailout of the central bank, and resulted in loss of shareholder control over the central bank. …
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Do macroprudential regulations on residential lending influence commercial lending behavior too? To answer this question, we identify the compositional changes in banks' supply of credit using the variation in their holdings of residential mortgages on which extra capital requirements were...
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We show that the impact of government bailouts (liquidity injections) on a representative bank's risk taking depends on … the level of systematic risk of its loans portfolio. In a model where bank's output follows a geometric Brownian motion … and the government guarantees bank's liabilities, we show first that more generous bailouts may or may not induce banks to …
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We study differences in the price paid for liquidity across banks using price data at the individual bank level. Unique … to gauge the extent to which a bank is short or long liquidity. We find that the price a bank pays for liquidity depends … occur and short banks pay more the larger is the potential for a squeeze. The price paid for liquidity is decreasing in bank …
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We develop a model where banks invest in reserves and loans, and face aggregate liquidity shocks. Banks with liquidity shortage sell loans on the interbank market. Two equilibria emerge. In the no default equilibrium, all banks hold enough reserves and remain solvent. In the mixed equilibrium,...
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We analyze the impact of introducing a central bank-issued digital currency (CBDC) on the operational framework of … frictional interbank market, a central bank with deposit and lending facilities, and household preferences for different liquid …" has a rather small effect on bank lending to the real economy, and hence on aggregate investment and GDP. This result …
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We model EU countries' bank ratings using financial variables and allowing for intercept and slope heterogeneity. Our …
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