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I distinguish two types of macroeconomic models. The first type are top-down models in which some or all agents are capable of understanding the whole picture and use this superior information to determine their optimal plans. The second type are bottom-up models in which all agents experience...
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In most monetary models of economic growth, higher long-run inflation is associated with a decline in the growth rate … inflation results in lower growth and employment in all three models, while, in the cash-credit good economy of Dotsey and … Ireland (1996), the effect is the exact opposite. -- inflation ; growth ; costly credit ; search unemployment …
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This paper explores the long-run impacts of tax policy in a two-country model of endogenous growth with variable labor supply. We focus on international spillover effects of tax reforms under alternative trade structures. It is shown that if the instantaneous utility function of the...
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conclusions that arise from the model. In the new model, the level and the variability of inflation is higher than in the Calvo … model with no selection effect. Attempting to lower inflation's variability results in a significant increase output …'s variability, without changing inflation's variability much. …
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We develop a monetary model with flexible supply of labor, cash in advance constraints and government spending financed by seignorage. This model has two regimes. One regime is conventional with two steady states. The other regime has a unique steady state which can be determinate or...
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This paper introduces money into an overlapping generations model with endogenous growth. The model, due to Docquier et al. (2007), exhibits a positive intergenerational externality which precludes its laissez-fair equilibrium to be optimal even if the government can control the level of...
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The resurgence of inflation since the late 2021 is now accompanied by a reversal of prospects of growth, reviving fears … prominent role is played by the fall of households' purchasing power, and hence consumption, owing to the inflation shock visà … inflation surprises, independent of restrictive monetary policy, is not present in the standard New Keynesian models for …
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When inflation picks up, central banks are most concerned that the de-anchoring of inflation expectations and the … ignition of wage-price spirals will trigger inflation dynamic instability. However, such scenarios do not materialize in the … updated according to the actual inflation process, with indexed wages, and persistent inflation shocks. In these cases, a more …
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This paper derives a micro-founded gravity equation in general equilibrium based on a translog demand system that allows for endogenous markups and rich substitution patterns across goods. In contrast to standard CES-based gravity equations, trade is more sensitive to trade costs if the...
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In recent years there has been increasing concern about the identification of parameters in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. Given the structure of DSGE models it may be difficult to determine whether a parameter is identified. For the researcher using Bayesian methods, a...
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