Showing 1 - 10 of 1,147
private provision of public goods. We examine whether reciprocity can resolve the associated coordination problem. The …
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perceive a fundamental parameter with noise. We focus on 2 x 2 coordination games, which generate multiple equilibria when …
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at coordinating action by followers. Two experiments using coordination games investigate whether female leaders are less …
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This paper studies the effects of endogenous party formation on political platforms. It develops a model in which parties allow like-minded citizens to, first, share the cost of running in a public election and, second, coordinate on a policy platform. The paper characterizes the set of...
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examines two examples, both of which involve the theory of coordination games: 1) the location of markets inside EverQuest, and … 2) the selection of battlefields inside Dark Age of Camelot. Coordination game theory is quite important to a number of …
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equilibrium into a coordination game with a set of Pareto-superior equilibria. Thresholds may therefore improve efficiency in the … voluntary provision of public goods. In our one-shot experiment, we find that coordination often fails and exogenously imposed …, because voting may facilitate coordination due to signaling and commitment effects. We find that voting does have signaling …
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provision of public goods and with it the welfare of all countries can be enhanced via tax coordination. Based on the standard … Zodrow-Mieszkowski-Wilson tax-competition model this paper analyses the conditions under which tax coordination by a group of …
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In this paper we model the interaction between leaders, their followers and crowd followers in a coordination game with …
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This paper examines the usefulness of Kalai (2020)'s measure of the viability of Nash equilibrium. We experimentally study a class of participation games, which differ in the number of players, the success threshold, and the payoff to not participating. We find that Kalai's measure captures well...
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We analyze a coordination game with information-constrained players. The players' actions are based on a noisy … environment. We apply our model to the coordination game in the experiment of Frydman and Nunnari (2023), and show that it offers …
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