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In this paper, we identify and document the empirical characteristics of the key drivers of convertible arbitrage as a strategy and how they impact the performance of convertible arbitrage hedge funds. We show that the returns of a buy-and-hedge strategy involving taking a long position in...
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We examine the determinants and consequences of mutual fund managers simultaneously managing multiple funds. Well-performing managers multitask by taking over poorly performing funds or launching new funds. Subsequent to multitasking, funds run by managers prior to multitasking (i.e., incumbent...
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Dieses Papier untersucht vier Themenbereiche: Erstens werden die Determinanten der Netto-Zuflüsse in Hedgefonds untersucht. Zweitens betrachten wir die Anreize für das Management von Hedgefonds. Drittens untersuchen wir das Verhalten von Hedgefondsinvestoren. Schliesslich betrachten wir, was...
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This paper studies the confidential holdings of institutional investors, especially hedge funds, where the quarter-end equity holdings are disclosed with a delay through amendments to the Form 13F and are usually excluded from the standard databases. Evidence supports private information as the...
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Die empirische Kapitalmarktforschung der letzten Jahre hat gezeigt, dass sich Individuen auf Finanzmärkten nicht immer rational verhalten. Ein Phänomen, das in diesem Zusammenhang untersucht wurde, ist der sogenannte Status-Quo Bias. Individuen unterliegen einem Status-Quo Bias, wenn sie...
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More and more investors apply socially responsible screens when building their stock portfolios. This raises the question whether these investors can increase their performance by incorporating such screens into their investment process. To answer this question we implement a simple trading...
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We examine the extent of the Status Quo Bias (SQB) in a real-world repeated decision situation. Individuals who are subject to a SQB tend to choose an alternative that was chosen previously (i.e. their status quo), even if it is not the optimal choice any more. We examine the US equity mutual...
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Due to a lack of data availability, numerous empirical studies on mutual fund flows (e.g. Sirri/Tufano (1998)) analyze synthetically derived flow measures. We show how good these measures can explain actual flows. We compare the measures suggested in the literature with the actual net-flows of...
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We investigate the relationship between a mutual fund's variation in factor exposures and its future performance. Using a dynamic state space version of Carhart (1997)'s four factor model to capture factor variation, we find that funds with volatile factor exposures underperform funds with...
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We study the dynamics of fund manager ownership for a sample of U.S. equity mutual funds from 2005 to 2011. We find that ownership changes positively predict changes in future risk-adjusted fund performance. A one-standarddeviation increase in ownership predicts a 1.6 percent increase in alpha...
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