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In this note we investigate the empirical differences between the Random Utility model with fixed coefficients (Conditional Logit), and the Random Utility model with random coefficients (Mixed Logit). We consider a model of household labour supply developed for a project aimed at the evaluation...
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In this paper I provide new evidence on cross-country comparison of intergenerational mobility using the first five waves of the European Community Household Panel focusing on two alternative dimensions of mobility: income and education. I estimate intergeneration earnings elasticity for sons...
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The succession in family farm is a critical issue: it not only involves the transmission of wealth, but also of specific skills and of specific farm management techniques. Since a large share of farmers in Italy are old, the lack of prospective successors in their farms would imply that a change...
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This paper explores the possibilities of using fuzzy inference system and structural equation modelling to measure capabilities both at a theoretical and empirical level. Fuzzy set theory has been already used to measure functionings (Chiappero Martinetti 1996, 2000, Lelli 2001) while structural...
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While several social, economic and financial indicators point to a growing convergence among European countries, striking differences still emerge in the timing of leaving home for adult children. In Southern countries (as Spain, Italy or Portugal) in 2001 more than 70 percent of young adults...
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