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Consider an overlapping generation growth model involving identical countries whose fiscal policy reduces to a pay-as-you-go system with flat rate benefits and uniform payroll tax rate. In autarky, the tax rate is chosen so as to achieve a compromise between intragenerational and...
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In this paper we discuss the interest of applying differential co-payment rates across alternative medical treatments. Two treatment strategies are considered: a "long term strategy" in which patients apply preventive measures before knowing if they have the desease and an "emergency strategy"...
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Using the standard non linear income and commodity taxation framework this paper examines the optimal policy to be adopted when the same labor disutility can receive two opposite interpretations: taste for leisure and activity limitation. In the absence of complete information about individual...
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We model long-term care insurance in an optimal taxation framework. Every adult decides upon the amount and type of care he purchases for his dependent parent. We consider two alternatives: nursing-home care provided by the government and home-care paid by the child with some lump-sum subsidy by...
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The non-cooperative provision of public goods is analysed in the context of a two-stage game in which club size is determined endogenously. Equilibrium club size and voluntary labour supply are shown to be inefficient. The impact of optimally-chosen fiscal policies using simple instruments is...
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This paper considers a federal country composed of local jurisdictions which differ in their taste for public goods and finance public spending by a source-based tax on capital income. The taste for public goods is private information of jurisdictions. By transferring differential grants to...
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Despite the fact that all developed economies levy broadly-based indirect taxes alongside direct taxes, little theory is devoted to explaining the direct-indirect tax mix. Our purpose is to show that if different taxes have different evasion characteristics, some optimal tax mix emerges...
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Most work on tax competition argues that mobile factors tend to be undertaxed except if there is coordination of tax policies. Full coordination is not however always feasible, and as a consequence some measures of partial coordination have been proposed such as minimal witholding taxes on...
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Rochet (1989) showed that with distortionary income taxes, social insurance is a desirable redistributive device when risk and ability are negatively correlated. This finding is reexamined when ex post moral hazard and adverse selection are included, and under different informational...
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An overlapping generations model is constructed in which individual wealth is related to educational attainment, and in which liquidity constraints my induce children to invest in a sub-optimal level of education given their ability. Borrowing for educational attainment is obtained from within...
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