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We extend the fractionally integrated exponential GARCH (FIEGARCH) model for daily stock return data with long memory …-in-mean effect is significant, and the FIEGARCH-M model outperforms the original FIEGARCH model and alternative GARCH …
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Recent work by Engle and Lee (1999) shows that allowing for long-run and short-run components greatly enhances a GARCH … valuation performance of the Engle-Lee model and compare it to the standard one-component GARCH(1,1) model. We also compare … these non-affine GARCH models to one- and two- component models from the class of affine GARCH models developed in Heston …
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We propose a semiparametric local polynomial Whittle with noise (LPWN) estimator of the memory parameter in long memory time series perturbed by a noise term which may be serially correlated. The estimator approximates the spectrum of the perturbation as well as that of the short-memory...
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We consider estimation of the cointegrating relation in the weak fractional cointegration model, where the strength of the cointegrating relation (difference in memory parameters) is less than one-half. A special case is the stationary fractional cointegration model, which has found important...
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We study the empirical behaviour of semi-parametric log-periodogram estimation for long memory models when the true process exhibits a change in persistence. Simulation results confirm theoretical arguments which suggest that evidence for long memory is likely to be found. A recently proposed...
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We propose a simple model in which realized stock market return volatility and implied volatility backed out of option prices are subject to common level shifts corresponding to movements between bull and bear markets. The model is estimated using the Kalman filter in a generalization to the...
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The no arbitrage relation between futures and spot prices implies an analogous relation between futures and spot volatilities as measured by daily range. Long memory features of the range-based volatility estimators of the two series are analyzed, and their joint dynamics are modeled via a...
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This paper derives a semiparametric estimator of multivariate fractionally integrated processes covering both stationary and non-stationary values of d. We utilize the notion of the extended discrete Fourier transform and periodogram to extend the multivariate local Whittle estimator of Shimotsu...
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Recent empirical evidence demonstrates the presence of an important long memory component in realized asset return volatility. We specify and estimate multivariate models for the joint dynamics of stock returns and volatility that allow for long memory in volatility without imposing this...
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In this paper a nonparametric variance ratio testing approach is proposed for determining the cointegration rank in fractionally integrated systems. The test statistic is easily calculated without prior knowledge of the integration order of the data, the strength of the cointegrating relations,...
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