Showing 1 - 10 of 474
Reliable marketing opportunities in both interregional and international trade along with relatively low transportation [and transaction] costs are essential to profitability of wheat production. In this study we have investigated one aspect of the quality of marketing and trade opportunities in...
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In der Wertschöpfung der türkischen Landwirtschaft hat die Obst- und Gemüseproduktion große Bedeutung und Tafel- und Industrietomaten sind wiederum das wichtigste Einzelprodukt unter den Gemüsesorten. Das Papier beschreibt die Struktur und Entwicklung des Sektors seit den 1990-er Jahren und...
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Ähnlich wie in den anderen MOEL hatte auch in der Slowakei der Systemwechsel Anfang der 90er Jahre drastische Folgen für den Agrar- undb Ernährungssektor. Die Konsumenten reagierten auf die Abschaffung der Verbrauchersubventionen bei Milch und Milchprodukten mit deutlicher Einschränkung...
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Despite significant progress in recent years, horizontal and vertical integration of the Lithuanian milk sector is not very much advanced. The primary sector is characterised by small-scale farming, the fragmentation of farmland and a low number of livestock per farms. These features cause...
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In this paper, we aim to model the vertical relation between retailers and suppliersin the food industry whereby retailers exercise seller power in their relation with consumersand buyer power in their relation with producers. We then evaluate the degree of pricetransmission, relative to the...
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In this paper, we provide a comprehensive multivariate cointegration analysis of three parts of the steam coal value chain - export, transport and import prices. The analysis is based on a rich dataset of international coal prices; in particular, we combine data on steam coal prices with freight...
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We investigate wheat price relationships between the import-dependent countries in Central Asia and the South Caucasus and the Black Sea wheat exporters to assess wheat market efficiency which is crucial for ensuring availability and access to wheat and for reducing food insecurity. Results of...
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The agri-food sector was given remarkable amounts of funding by all German federal states in the framework of the Measure g 'Improving Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products' within the rural development programs. Based on literature and data we obtained by evaluating this program we...
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Oсновным мотивом для написания данных "Дискуссионных материалов" является ознакомление читателя с организациeй и работой информационно-консультационной службы...
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Seit dem Beginn des Transformationsprozesses ist in Weißrussland eine stetige Reduktion der Milcherzeugung und Herstellung von Milchprodukten zu beobachten. Der Transformations-prozess führte zu verschiedenen Friktionen in der gesamten weißrussischen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Aufgrund...
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