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worker health. To do so, we analyze male workers after an acute workplace injury that experience differential levels of … are more likely to remain in the labor force. We observe no differences in any physical or mental health outcomes … yield any detectable health costs, on the margin. …
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and informal care following wealth loss, involuntary job displacement, spousal death, and health shocks in retirement … and reduce them with the onset of disability or poor health. We find that upstream transfers are also responsive to life …
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benefits. Workers in such arrangements, in turn, are much less likely to receive pension, health insurance, and other benefits …
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We reexamine the recent, well-publicized claim that 'rapid mass privatisation [of state-owned enterprises] ... was a crucial determinant of differences in adult mortality trends in postcommunist countries' (Stuckler, King and McKee, 2009). Our analysis shows that the estimated correlation of...
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We report results from a validation study of Nielsen Homescan data. We use data from a large grocery chain to match thousands of individual transactions that were recorded by both the retailer (at the store) and the Nielsen Homescan panelist (at home). First, we report how often shopping trips...
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A common approach to measuring price changes is to look at the change of the expenditure needed to purchase a fixed basket of goods. It is well-known that this approach suffers from problems and creates several biases in the measurement of price changes faced by consumers. Substitution and...
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Models of consumer behavior play a key role in modern empirical Industrial Organization. In this paper, I survey some …
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We study intertemporal price discrimination when consumers can store for future consumption needs. To make the problem tractable we offer a simple model of demand dynamics, which we estimate using market level data. Optimal pricing involves temporary price reductions that enable sellers to...
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