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This discussion paper deals with the estimation of a random coefficient model. The virtue of this approach is that it considers firm heterogeneity, which conventional SFA models do not. Applying the model to Polish farms, the results indicate that the conventional random and fixed effect models...
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Based on farm panel data we empirically investigate the determinants of Polish farm households 'flexibility from 1994 to 2001. We focus on scale flexibility (adjustment in production volume) and scope flexibility (adjustment in product mix). The findings of our fixed-effects regression provide...
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Niniejsze opracowanie przyjmuje forme analizy porównawczej i przedstawia wyniki badan opinii ekspertów na temat stanu oraz kierunków rozwoju obszarów wiejskich i rolnictwa w gminach górskich polozonych na terenie Karpat Polskich i Alp Niemieckich. Badania wskazuja, iz rolnictwo oraz obszary...
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