Showing 1 - 10 of 101
In a first for South Africa, we draw on literature on infrastructure productivity to model dynamic economywide employment impacts of infrastructure investment funded with different fiscal tools. According to the South African investment plan, the policy will affect the stock of infrastructure as...
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It has long been recognized that the quality of property rights greatly impacts the economic development of a country and the use of its natural resources. Since Long (1975), the conventional wisdom has been that ownership risk induces a firm to overuse the stock of a resource. However, the...
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Empirical studies point to trade credit as an important continuing source of short term financing for small and medium-sized enterprises. We show that vendor financing appears in equilibrium as the result of repeated trade interactions between a buyer and a supplier when changing supplier is...
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We propose to analyse the hyperbolic discounting preferences effect on the innovator's research investment decision. Investing in research allows him to acquire information, and then to reduce the uncertainty of the risks of his project. We find that whatever the innovator's preferences, that is...
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Do investment models fit firm-level data? - which model fits best? To answer this question we estimate alternative models using Compustat data. We find that both a version of the Hayashi (1982) and a model with decreasing returns to scale in production fit firm-level data very well. Our...
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We study the effect of dynamic and investment externalities in a one-sector growth model. In our model, two agents interact strategically in the utilization of capital for consumption, savings, and investment in technical progress. We consider two types of investment choices: complements and...
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We study the effect of dynamic and investment externalities in a one-sector growth model. In our model, two agents interact strategically in the utilization of capital for consumption, savings, and investment in technical progress. We consider two types of investment choices: complements and...
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L’intensité de pollution inférieure des firmes de grande taille et leurs moindres coûts marginaux de réduction des émissions demeurent un fait largement documenté dans la littérature empirique. En poursuivant les intuitions de Merlevede et al (2006), nous examinons l’hypothèse...
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This paper uses a dynamic CGE model, calibrated to detailed Chinese emissions data, to assess two important questions. What can we reasonably expect Chinese emissions trends to look like over the next three decades? Secondly, what would be the appropriate policy interventions to flatten Chinese...
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: L’analyse d’impact de la libéralisation du commerce des produits agricoles et produits alimentaires et les politiques de réduction de la pauvreté sont au centre des débats nationaux au Sénégal et des négociations commerciales avec le reste de monde. Même si certaines réformes sont...
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