Showing 1 - 10 of 82
The literature on household behavior contains hardly any empirical research on the within-household distributional effect of tax-benefit policies. We simulate this effect in the framework of a collective model of labor supply when shifting from a joint to an individual taxation system in France....
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We consider the collective model of labor supply with marketable domestic production (Chiappori, 1997). We first show that, if domestic production is mistakenly ignored by the economist, welfare analyses will be probably distorted. Precisely, the identification of "collective" indirect utilities...
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In Chiappori's (1988) collective model of labor supply hours of work are supposed flexible. In many countries, however, male labor supply does not vary much. In that case, the husband's labor supply is no longer informative about the household decision process and individual preferences. To...
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This paper examines how Frisch labor supplies, and other structural components of the intertemporal model of labor supply, can be recovered from estimates obtained with the approach developed by Heckman and MaCurdy.
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Dans cet article, nous démontrons, en utilisant des données de l’Enquête canadienne sur les capacités financières, que le Québec tire de l’arrière par rapport au reste du Canada non seulement en termes de niveau de littératie financière et d’éducation financière, mais aussi en...
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The social performance of fiscal redistributive mechanisms in Canada continues to receive a growing interest from politicians and research scientists. The aim of this paper is to assess the evolution of social classes in Canada and to check whether the market and governmental redistribution...
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This paper studies the microeconomics of child vulnerability to kidnapping in an environment where child protection is produced through a private effort, a public investment and a foreign aid. We first show that in absence of public investment and foreign aid, private investment in child...
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Dans cet article, nous étudions l'impact des différences de longévité sur la conception des politiques publiques, en particulier celles liées au départ à la retraite. Nous montrons premièrement qu'alors même que l'espérance de vie a augmenté de manière très importante tout au long...
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To match the stylized facts of high frequency financial time series precisely and parsimoniously, this paper presents a finite mixture of conditional exponential power distributions where each component exhibits asymmetric conditional heteroskedasticity. We provide stationarity conditions and...
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Models use for natural resources prices usually preclude the possibility of large changes (jumps) resulting from discrete, unexpected events. To test for the presence of jumps and ARCH effects, we propose to use bounds and bootstrap test techniques, thus solving the unidentified nuisance...
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