Showing 1 - 10 of 11
This is a non comprehensive list of references on economic fluctuations, with a special focus on real business cycle models and similar models. This bibliography is regularly updated and downloadable in various formats. <P> Ce document comprend une liste importante, quoique incomplète, de...</p>
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We incorporate nominal wage contracts and government into a quantitative general equilibrium framework. Thus, our model includes three types of shocks: a fiscal shock, a monetary shock and a technology shock. We show that it is possible in this type of environment to generate a low correlation...
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We study a version of the neoclassical growth model in which shocks to both aggregate productivity and the depreciation of capital generate fluctuations around the steady-state growth path. Depreciation shocks induce an inverse comovement between average labor productivity and hours worked. When...
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We consider the effects of fiscal spending shocks in a real business model when a portion of government spending is endogenized and chosen to maximize the utility of the representative private agent. Endogenous spending partially neutralizes the effects of both exogenous fiscal spending shocks...
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Nombreux sont ceux qui croient que l'approche du cycle économique initiée par Lucas, Kydland et Prescott a pour objectif fondamental de doter les modèles macroéconomiques de fondements microéconomiques solides alors que l'approche IS-LM- courbe de Philipps se démarquerait par son souci et...
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We perform an empirical evaluation of the role of capacity utilization in business cycle fluctuations. We first document the relation between capacity utilization and business cycle fluctuations in historical data and then verify whether these empirical features can be explained by a dynamic...
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Ce texte propose une revue des développements récents de la littérature macroéconomique inspirée de l'approche des modèles du cycle réel via l'introduction de différentes facettes de l'activité gouvernementale. A l'aide d'un modèle typique du cycle réel avec gouvernement, nous...
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Nous présentons une version simple du modèle dynamique d'équilibre général de la transmission internationale du cycle économique. Nous analysons sa solution et ses prédictions, et nous comparons ses prédictions avec les faits observés des covariations internationales des agrégats...
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We present and assess a procedure to evaluate dynamic, stochastic, general equilibrium macroeconomic models when agents in the economy use an information set superior to that used by researchers. <P> Cette étude présente et documente une procédure d'évaluation de modèles macroéconomiques...</p>
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Forecasting at business cycle frequencies is traditionally done with statistically estimated econometric models. This paper takes a different approach, using a calibrated dynamic general equilibrium model in line with the real business cycle literature. First attempts by others have not proven...
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