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One major objection to neoclassical economic theory raised by feminist economists is that traditional theory neglects what goes on within families. This paper examines the policy relevance of this feminist critique by asking whether our understanding of the poverty experiences of individual...
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Why do Canadian mothers have lower incomes than women who have never had children? Microdata from the 1995 GSS allow examination of two hypotheses: (1) mothers have spent more time out of the labour force, thus acquiring less human capital; (2) higher levels of unpaid work lead to fatigue and/or...
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A procedure is developed to test the principal prediction of characteristics theory: all products are priced to appear on a convex market opportunity frontier. The feasibility of this testing procedure is shown by its application to the U.S. insecticide market during each year between 1944 and...
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This paper investigates how taking account of demand-side constraints affects estimated models of labor supply and, hence, predicted behavioral responses to unemployment insurance reform in Canada. Constrained and unconstrained labor-supply equations are estimated for single men and women using...
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An empirical methodology for evaluating fisheries regulations in terms of both rent gains and employment losses is proposed. A royalty tax and a change in catch distribution among competing vessel types are compared with the status quo of restricted access. The case study is the British Columbia...
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