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This paper examines the consequences of model misspecification using a panel data model with spatially autocorrelated disturbances. The performance of several maximum likelihood estimators assuming different specifications for this model are compared using Monte Carlo experiments. These include...
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This paper studies the asymptotic properties of standard panel data estimators in a simple panel regression model with error component disturbances. Both the regressor and the remainder disturbance term are assumed to be autoregressive and possibly non-stationary. Asymptotic distributions are...
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This paper considers a panel data regression model with heteroskedastic as well as serially correlated disturbances, and derives a joint LM test for homoskedasticity and no first order serial correlation. The restricted model is the standard random individual error component model. It also...
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Chamberlain (1982) showed that the fixed effects (FE) specification imposes testable restrictions on the coefficients from regressions of all leads and lags of dependent variables on all leads and lags of independent variables. Angrist and Newey (1991) suggested computing this test statistic as...
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Baltagi and Li (1992) showed that for estimating a single equation in a simultaneous panel data model, EC2SLS has more instruments than G2SLS. Although these extra instruments are redundant in White (1986) terminology, they may yield different estimates and standard errors in empirical studies...
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