Showing 1 - 10 of 14
implications of the market microstructure theory on the relationship between price movements and other marks of the trading process. …
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In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Entlohnung eines Managers mit Fixum und gewinnbezogenem Bonus auf seinen Arbeitseinsatz und seine Bilanzpolitik ausübt. Dazu wird das LEN-Modell auf die gesamte Lebensdauer des Unternehmens erweitert. Die Gewinnmanipulationen müssen sich...
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This paper investigates dynamically optimal risk-taking by an expected-utility maximizing manager of a hedge fund. We examine the effects of variations on a compensation structure that includes a percentage management fee, a performance incentive for exceeding a specified highwater mark, and...
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In einem Ein-Perioden-Modell werden die Auswirkungen des deutschen Steuerrechts zur Kapitalbesteuerung auf das Kapitalmarktgleichgewicht untersucht. Dabei modellieren wir sowohl einen Unternehmenssektor, der der Körperschaftsteuer unterliegt, als auch Privatinvestoren, die...
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This paper considers simultaneous modelling of seasonality, slowly changing un- conditional variance and conditional heteroskedasticity in high-frequency fiancial returns. A new approach, called a seasonal SEMIGARCH model, is proposed to perform this by introducing multiplicative seasonal and...
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The behavior of a hedge-fund manager naturally depends on her compensation scheme, her preferences, and constraints on her risk-taking. We propose a numerical method which can be used to analyze the impact of these influences. The model leads to several interesting and novel results concerning...
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This paper investigates the use of price intensities to estimate volatilities based on high-frequency data. We interpret the conditional probability for the occurence of a price event within a certain time horizon as a risk measure which allows us to obtain an estimator of the conditional...
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Der Gesetzgeber laesst im Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB) zahlreiche mathematisch-statistische Stichprobenverfahren zur Inventur zu. Die dort vorgeschriebenen Richtlinien finden auch in anderen Sparten der Wirtschaftsprüfung bei statistischen Hochrechnungen Verwendung. Eigentuemliche Vorstellungen...
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This paper presents structural estimates for a bargaining model which nests the right-to-manage, the efficient wage bargaining, the seniority and the standard neo- classical labor demand model as special cases. In contrast to most existing models, our approach accounts for heterogeneous skill...
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When making decisions, agents tend to make use of decisions others have made in similar situations. Ignoring this behavior in empirical models can be interpreted as a problem of omitted variables and may seriously bias parameter estimates and harm inference. We suggest a possibility of...
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