Showing 1 - 7 of 7
In einem Ein-Perioden-Modell werden die Auswirkungen des deutschen Steuerrechts zur Kapitalbesteuerung auf das Kapitalmarktgleichgewicht untersucht. Dabei modellieren wir sowohl einen Unternehmenssektor, der der Körperschaftsteuer unterliegt, als auch Privatinvestoren, die...
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The behavior of a hedge-fund manager naturally depends on her compensation scheme, her preferences, and constraints on her risk-taking. We propose a numerical method which can be used to analyze the impact of these influences. The model leads to several interesting and novel results concerning...
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In a continuous time, arbitrage free, non-complete market with a zero bond, we find the intertemporal price for risk to equal the standard deviation of the discounted variance opti- mal martingale measure divided by the zero bond price. We show the Hedging Numeraire to equal the Market Portfolio...
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We consider two sequences of Markov chains induc- ing equivalent measures on the discrete path space. We estab- lish conditions under which these two measures converge weakly to measures induced on the Wiener space by weak solutions of two SDEs, which are unique in the sense of probability law....
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In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Entlohnung eines Managers mit Fixum und gewinnbezogenem Bonus auf seinen Arbeitseinsatz und seine Bilanzpolitik ausübt. Dazu wird das LEN-Modell auf die gesamte Lebensdauer des Unternehmens erweitert. Die Gewinnmanipulationen müssen sich...
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This paper analyzes the effect of non-constant elasticity of the pricing kernel on asset return characteristics in a rational expectations model. It is shown that declining elasticity of the pricing kernel can lead to predictability of asset returns and high and persistent volatility. Also,...
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This paper investigates dynamically optimal risk-taking by an expected-utility maximizing manager of a hedge fund. We examine the effects of variations on a compensation structure that includes a percentage management fee, a performance incentive for exceeding a specified highwater mark, and...
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