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In this paper we present an implementation of a Newton method based on iterative Krylov subspace methods such as GMRES, QMR and BiCGSTAB for solving large nonlinear macroeconometric models. These methods are tested for the solution of the model MULTIMOD and the computational costs of the...
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Some authors distinguish between ``earnings management and ``income smoothing. The former occurs when the manager reports a number different from ``actual earnings to shareholders without facing intertemporal restrictions on the discretionary amount that she reports. In contrast, income...
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Fair and Jaffeen[Fair and Jaffee1972] considered the econometrics of models of markets which were not in equilibrium. The estimation of disequilibrium models has proved difficult. Because of this the model was chosen to be a member of a test suite of optimization problems by Dorsey and...
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Many financial time series look erratic and their evolution is notoriously hard to forecast. Most if not all economist do not see financial markets as being governed by some low-dimensional system of deterministic equations. Rather, it is generally accepted that financial variables evolve under...
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Our purpose in this communication is to present a methodology for forecasting univariate time series. This methodology combines standard forecasting techniques with ``wavelet methodology. The recently developed wavelet theory has proven to be a useful tool in the analysis of some problems in...
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In this paper, we consider a dynamic spatial market equilibrium problem with inequality market clearance conditions. Both supply and demand market prices are treated as equilibrium factors along with quantities shipped between the markets. The rates of change for each of the factors are...
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In this paper, a variational inequality approach for modeling competitive international financial equilibrium in the presence of financial futures is presented. The optimal composition of hedged and nonhedged assets and liabilities for each sector of each country, as well as the prices of all...
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A phenomenon widely observed in industries which are in an early stage is that they reduce their costs as a result of accumulating experience, that is, they reduce their costs with their output. This is known in the economic literature as the learning by doing effect, and it was studied for the...
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Traffic congestion in the United States alone results in $n100 billion in lost productivity. In this paper we consider the modeling and solution of dynamic traffic models formulated as projected dynamical systems. The proposed discrete time algorithm, the Euler method, resolves the problem at...
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In this study we combine the dynamic programming method with the projection methods for solving stochastic growth models. One of the inconveniences of Judd's projection technique is that finding a good initial guess is not that easy or it is time costly especially when the dimensionality of the...
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