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We study two different modes of social influence on human or artificial decision makers operating in complex environments. One is through emulation of social values, and the other is through social recommendations for specific actions. In an economic environment where agents make trade and...
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In this paper we present a large scale computable general equilibrium model derived from GEM-E3 model for European Union with three geographical areas and 18 different sectors. We do simulations with GAMS-PATH software algorithm which is based on mix complementarity (FOC and shadow prices). This...
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Financial planning involves asset allocation and risk management. Asset allocation problem decides the percentage of the overall portfolio value allocated to each portfolio component. Risk management measures the risk of different investment instruments and creates or maintains portfolios with...
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This paper describes the behavior of tax policies under incomplete financial markets. The government finances a stochastic stream of expenditures by collecting the capital income and the labor income taxes, and issuing a one-period bond which pays state-contingent returns. We show that putting...
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This paper presents an efficient methodology for the discrete Asian options consistent with different types of underlying densities, especially non-normal returns as suggested by the empirical literature (Mandelbrot (1963) and Fama (1964)). The interest of this method is its flexibility compared...
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The parametric path method applies projection methods to compute the equilibrium path of economic variables in infinite-horizon dynamic models. We exploit the special structure of economic time paths common in such models. This structure drastically reduces dimensionality and reduces computing...
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\tThe assumption that production in an economic system may be described by an aggregate neoclassical production function is at the foundation of most modern equilibrium neoclassical business cycles and growth models. Its validity requires stringent assumptions on individual production functions...
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The purpose of the paper is to derive and illustrate a new suboptimal-consistent feedback solution for infinite-horizon linear-quadratic dynamic Stackelberg games which is in the same solution space as the infinite-horizon dynamic programming feedback solution, but which puts the leader in a...
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In this paper we investigate the performance of the threshold accepting heuristic for the index tracking problem. The index tracking problem consists in minimizing the tracking error between a portfolio and a benchmark. The objective is to replicate the performance of a given index upon the...
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Recent empirical studies have indicated that owner-occupation is inferior to private rental housing in enhancing efficient spatial matching of labor and jobs. While existing literature is lacking in sufficient explanations for these results, this paper attempts to fill a part of this gap. We...
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