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Network economics holds the view that individual actions and, in turn aggregate outcomes, are mainly determined by the interaction structure between heterogeneous economic agents. In this paper we study the diffusion of an innovation over a social network. More specifically, we study whether...
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On the one hand, recently a number of theoretical models have highlighted the role of credit market frictions in propagating and amplifying macroeconomic shocks. On the other hand, it still seems an open question whether this role is quantitatively significant. Our paper tries to fill this gap....
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Qualitative properties of optimal investment strategies for a firm with quadratic costs and non-concave revenues are analysed. Organising information in a bifurcation diagram, it is found that the organising centre of the diagram is a so-called swallow-tail singularity. This implies the...
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We propose a computational model to study (the evolution of) post--secondary education. "Consumers" who differ in quality shop around for desirable colleges or universities that also differ in quality. We study the dynamics and asymptotics for three nested variants of this matching model: the...
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The extend to which common-pool resources are used and managed sustainably depends highly on incentives. Incentives influence the behaviour of individuals with respect to natural resource management and are determined by institutional arrangements comprising of formal and informal rules and...
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Many derivatives prices and their Greeks are closed-form expressions in the Black-Scholes model; when the terminal distribution is a mixed lognormal, prices and Greeks for these derivatives are then a weighted average of these closed-form) expressions. They can therefore be calculated easily and...
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Generally, in the financial literature, the notion of quadratic VaR is implicitly confused with the Delta-Gamma VaR, because more authors dealt with portfolios that contained derivatives instruments. In this paper, we postpone to estimate both the expected shortfall and Value-at-Risk of a...
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the optimality of the monetary authorities reaction function in the two-area medium size model MARCOS (US and euro areas). The parameters and the horizons of output gap and inflation expectations of the Taylor rule are computed in order to minimise a loss...
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The paper describes and illustrates a method for generalizing the standard computation of period-to-period percentage change of total factor productivity (TFP) to computation of TFP based on a best k-times-differentiable model. A "model" is a k-times-differentiable functional form of a...
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The Circuitists are a largely European school of economic thought that argue that a monetary economy is fundamentally different to a barter system, and that therefore money cannot be simply modelled as the n+1th good in a Walrasian general equilibrium system. However, while the School has made...
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