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Although relevant research on environmental sustainability or product portfolio management is quite developed, few studies integrate the two areas. This research aims to shed light on the environmental sustainability practices adopted in product portfolio through a cross-country case study on...
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The traditional argument that shorter product cycles favor trade secret over patenting is reviewed. A game theoretic model provides an argument that shorter product cycles can induce firms to file more patent applications. The firms may be trapped in a prisoners' dilemma where all firms would...
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This study examines whether staged project management is beneficial or harmful for making product innovations. Using a unique firm survey for Japan, we find that firms that employed staged project management had a higher likelihood of introducing new products to the market. Additional...
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The objective of this article is to present research devoted to the relationships between HR practices and productivity (understood as behavior and results) of employees in the KIBS sector (knowledge-intensive business services sector). The operations of companies in this sector are based on the...
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Financial performance is an important indicator in a company in measuring the level of viability of the company. This study aims to analyze the effect of CEO power (proxied by CEO ownership), and characteristics (CEO educational background and work experience) on firm performance as proxied by...
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We estimate the determinants of various types of product innovation. Knowledge spillovers from rivals have a positive impact on incremental innovations. This impact is largely independent of the participation in R&D cooperations. Spillovers exert no such independent influence on drastic...
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We analyze the data collection strategies of 65,000 developers in the market for mobile applications and track 300,000 applications over four years. Many apps belong to developers with multiple apps. This fact generates variation in the privacy behaviors of the same developer for our analysis....
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It is known that small firms rely mainly on the CEO's individual knowledge for developing innovations. Recent work suggests that this approach is inefficient since it underutilizes other employees' knowledge. We study to which extent using CEOs, managers and non-managerial employees' ideas...
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In recent years, substantial gains have been made in our understanding of the influence of parenting behaviors and styles on adolescent emotional and behavioral outcomes. Empirical work focusing on the associations between parenting and adolescent outcomes is important because the influence of...
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Although over 100,000 health and medical mobile apps have been placed on the market, few critical social analyses have been yet undertaken of the role of these apps in healthcare, preventive health and health promotion. In this article I present an argument for approaching the study of mobile...
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