Showing 1 - 10 of 26
, semiparametric GARCH, and copula-based multivariate financial models are used to illustrate the general results. …
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This paper develops new estimation and inference procedures for dynamic panel data models with fixed effects and incidental trends. A simple consistent GMM estimation method is proposed that avoids the weak moment condition problem that is known to affect conventional GMM estimation when the...
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This paper investigates a generalized method of moments (GMM) approach to the estimation of autoregressive roots near unity with panel data and incidental deterministic trends. Such models arise in empirical econometric studies of firm size and in dynamic panel data modeling with weak...
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This paper investigates a generalized method of moments (GMM) approach to the estimation of autoregressive roots near unity with panel data. The two moment conditions studied are obtained by constructing bias corrections to the score functions under OLS and GLS detrending, respectively. It is...
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An influential paper by Kleibergen (2005) introduces Lagrange multiplier (LM) and conditional likelihood ratio-like (CLR) tests for nonlinear moment condition models. These procedures aim to have good size performance even when the parameters are unidentified or poorly identified. However, the...
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This paper introduces two new identification- and singularity-robust conditional quasi-likelihood ratio (SR-CQLR) tests and a new identification- and singularity-robust Anderson and Rubin (1949) (SR-AR) test for linear and nonlinear moment condition models. The paper shows that the tests have...
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The method of simulated scores (MSS) is presented for estimating LDV models with flexible correlation structure in the unobservables. We propose simulators that are continuous in the unknown parameter vectors, and hence standard optimization methods can be used to compute the MSS estimators that...
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Our subject is econometric estimation and inference concerning long-run economic equilibria in models with stochastic trends. Our interest is focused on single equation specifications such as those employed in the Error Correction Model (ECM) methodology of David Hendry (1987, 1989 inter alia)...
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This paper considers a new class of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) covariance matrix estimators. The estimators considered are prewhitened kernel estimators with vector autoregressions employed in the prewhitening stage. The paper establishes consistency, rate of...
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A functional law for an I(1) sample data version of the continuous-path block bootstrap of Paparoditis and Politis (2001) is given. The results provide an alternative demonstration that continuous-path block bootstrap unit root tests are consistent under the null.
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