Showing 1 - 10 of 84
[ES] La creciente concienciación medioambiental y la necesidad de atender a las nuevas demandas ecológicas del mercado, obligan a las empresas a desarrollar instrumentos de análisis para ahondar en su conocimiento. La segmentación de mercados es un instrumento analítico válido para inferir...
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[EN] Retail activity in urban areas constitutes a key variable in the health of a city. For that reason, the processes of urban revitalization and retail revitalization run in parallel manner. Integrated management models for urban centres constitute a good framework to harness the...
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[ES] Actualmente las organizaciones necesitan dar prestigio a sus equipos de ventas, conocedoras de la influencia que tienen los vendedores sobre el éxito o fracaso de la empresa y de la deteriorada imagen que la sociedad ha tenido tradicionalmente de los vendedores, debido en parte, a la...
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The increasing ecological concern and the need to attend to the new ecological demand, oblige enterprises to develop analysis tools in order to know better to the ecological consumer. The market segmentation is a valid tool to find differences among ecological consumers, and it allows the...
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For several years, small shops in Spain and in other European countries have found themselves facing up to a situation of increasing convergence with the inrush of new commercial ways which are more vertical and horizontally integrated and better prepared to compete in price and variety. Faced...
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Retail activity in urban areas constitutes a key variable in the health of a city. For that reason, the processes of urban revitalization and retail revitalization run in parallel manner. Integrated management models for urban centres constitute a good framework to harness the competitiveness of...
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Nowadays organizations need to improve the image of their salespeople since they are aware of the influence of salespeople behaviors on the success or failure of the company as well as the bad image that society has traditionally had about the sales function, due in part to the use of sales...
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Artículo original "Caso Bertoko" publicado en Cuadernos de Gestión 1(2): 107-117 (2001), disponible en ADDI:
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Ponencia aceptada y defendida en el XVI Congreso Nacional y XII Hispano-Francés de AEDEM, celebrado en Alicante, en junio de 2002.
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Addendum publicado en Cuadernos de Gestión 2(1): 113-113 (2002), disponible en ADDI:
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