Showing 1 - 10 of 14
This paper demonstrates spatial evaluation methods on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study using geo-coordinates and spatially relevant indicators from remote sensing data. By geocoding the addresses of private households (while not identifying them by name and while...
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This paper demonstrates the spatial evaluation of survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study using geo-coordinates and spatially relevant indicators from remote sensing data. By geocoding the addresses of survey households with block-level geographic precision (while...
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This study examines the phenomenon of nonresponse in the first wave of a refresher sample (subsample H) of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP). Our first step is to link additional (commercial) microgeographic data on the immediate neighborhoods of the households visited by...
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Since it is still unclear to what extent time allocation retrospectively reported in questionnaires, reflects people's actual behavior, examining the accuracy of responses to time use survey questions is of crucial importance. We analyze the congruence of time use information assessed through...
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Typically, laboratory experiments suffer from homogeneous subject pools and self-selection biases. The usefulness of survey data is limited by measurement error and by the questionability of their behavioral relevance. Here we present a method integrating interactive experiments and...
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Statistische Daten sind im allgemeinen - gemessen an idealtypischen Erhebungsbedingungen - nicht fehlerfrei, insbesondere können sie durch die Art, wie sie erhoben werden, beeinflusst werden ("Erhebungsartefakte"). Interviewereffekte spielen in diesem Zusammenhang in der Literatur eine...
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This paper presents two new tools for the identification of faking interviewers in surveys. One method is based on Benford?s Law, and the other exploits the empirical observation that fakers most often produce answers with less variability than could be expected from the whole survey. We focus...
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Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat jüngst Richtlinien für Studien, die Basisdaten für gesundheitspolitische Entscheidungen im Pandemiefall liefern können, veröffentlicht. Durch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen unterschiedlichen Disziplinen kann es gelingen, evidenzbasierte Entscheidungen...
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There are strong two-way links between parent and child happiness (life satisfaction), even for children who have grown up, moved to their own home and partnered themselves. German panel evidence shows that transmission of (un)happiness from parents to children is partly due to transmission of...
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To the best of our knowledge, most of the few methodological studies which analyze the impact of faked interviews on survey results are based on 'artificial fakes' generated by project students in a 'laboratory environment'. In contrast, panel data provide a unique opportunity to identify data...
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