Showing 1 - 10 of 103
Using representative survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) for 2006, we show that the magnitude of such health inequality measures as the concentration index (CI) depends crucially on the underlying health measure. The highest degree of inequality is found when...
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In view of rising concerns over increasing inequality in the European Union since the financial crisis, this study provides an inequality decomposition of the overall European income distribution by country. The EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions are our empirical basis. Inequality...
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This paper uncovers ongoing trends in idiosyncratic earnings volatility across generations by decomposing residual earnings auto-covariances into a permanent and a transitory component. We employ data on complete earnings life cycles forprime age men born 1935 through 1974 that covers earnings...
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In this paper, we address the question whether family support via the income tax system is more generous in France than in Germany, as it is often claimed in the public debate. We use two micro-data sets and a micro-simulation model to compare effective average tax rates for different household...
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Wenn hohe Vermögen stärker besteuert werden sollen, spricht vieles für eine effektivere Erbschaftsteuer. Dazu sollten die weitgehenden Steuerbefreiungen für Unternehmensübertragungen und weitere Steuervergünstigungen beseitigt werden. Dadurch ließe sich auch bei moderaten Steuersätzen...
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We analyze the distribution and taxation of top incomes in Germany during the 1990s on the basis of individual tax returns data. We derive a measure of economic income from taxable gross income as reported in the tax returns. Thanks to complete sampling, we can deliver a very precise description...
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We analyze the distribution and concentration of market incomes in Germany in the period 1992 to 2001 on the basis of an integrated data set of individual tax returns and the German Socio-Economic Panel. The unique feature of this integrated data set is that it encompasses the whole spectrum of...
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We analyze the taxation of top personal incomes in Germany on the basis of an integrated data file of individual tax returns and a general household survey for the years 1992 - 2002. The unique feature of this integrated data set is that it includes all taxpayers in the top percentile of the...
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Haushalte mit unteren und mittleren Einkommen profitieren kaum von Senkungen des Einkommensteuertarifs oder vom Abbau des Solidaritätszuschlags. Zugleich führen schon moderate Entlastungen im Eingangsbereich des Steuertarifs oder beim "Mittelstandsbauch" zu beträchtlichen Steuerausfällen und...
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The idea of higher wealth taxes to finance the mounting public debt in the wake of the financial crises is gaining ground in several OECD countries. We evaluate the revenue and distributional effects of a one-time capital levy on personal net wealth that is currently on the German political...
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