Showing 61 - 70 of 213
Frühkindliche Aktivitäten außer Haus können neben der Kindertagesbetreuung Möglichkeiten der frühkindlichen Bildung sein. Darüber hinaus können sie Eltern eine soziale Teilhabe sichern. Nahezu die Hälfte aller Kinder, die noch nicht zur Schule gehen, nutzt solche "außerhäusigen"...
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Commissioned by the Federal Government, the "Overall Evaluation of Benefit Payments to Married Couples and Families" is the first study to systematically and comprehensively evaluate the key instruments of German family policy. The evaluation focused on the following family-policy goals:...
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Die von wirtschaftlichen Umbrüchen geprägten Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung waren für viele Ostdeutsche mit zunehmender Unsicherheit verbunden, während die Veränderungen in Westdeutschland weitaus weniger gravierend waren. In der Folge kam es in den 90er Jahren zu einem massiven Rückgang...
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Youth unemployment in Germany has fallen to its lowest level since German reunification. Between 2005 and 2012, unemployment among under 25 year olds has more than halved. By international standards, Germany is in an exceptionally good position. Nowhere in Europe is youth unemployment lower....
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Shocks experienced during early childhood can harm children's growth over the long term. We examine the potential impact of extreme weather events on children's growth, taking the example of Mongolia, which is frequently plagued by extreme winters. Our focus is on the unusually harsh winter of...
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A job loss has considerable negative consequences for those hit by unemployment. This is all the more relevant if families are affected. It not only relates to a family's financial situation: a mother losing her job can also impact on child development. A study conducted by DIW Berlin using data...
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Young people's leisure activities are significantly different today than they were ten years ago. The obvious use of communication and entertainment electronics, such as cell phones, computers, and game consoles is only one aspect - there are also less visible changes: informal activities, e.g....
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Previous studies on the impact of day care center attendance on child development have focused on quantitative aspects (e. g., capacity of the center). Yet the quality of a day care center is also relevant and is increasingly being discussed in the context of day care expansion. The discussion...
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From August 2013, every child in Germany who has reached his or her first birthday will have a legal right to a place in a childcare facility or family day care. What effects does this have on the mothers' economic activity and child development? Our findings show that the legal entitlement to...
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Family-related breaks in employment often lead to lower statutory pension entitlements, especially for retired mothers. Against this background, the legislation for marriage- and family-related payments has been designed to compensate for such deficits in old-age provision. These payments are...
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