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's ability to form realistic inflation expectations …
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This paper analyses the results from a new monthly survey of consumers’ euro area inflation expectations before and … during the pandemic. We find that consumers’ longterm euro area inflation expectations have remained elevated above the ECB …’s inflation aim throughout the pandemic. Moreover, their distributions have continuously shown a greater probability of high …
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We analyse the empirical effects of credit easing and quantitative easing on inflation expectations and exchange rates … included in a VAR model. The empirical results show that changes in balance sheet size had positive effects on inflation … associated with reduced short-term inflation expectations in the US and UK, pointing at negative signalling effects. Shocks to …
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inflation expectations, the exchange rate and the 10-year euro area government bond yield, using local projections. We …
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the ECB's monetary policy credibility as measured by long-term inflation expectations, by looking at their effects on euro … area inflation swap rates of maturities up to 10 years. We consider asset purchase programmes and long-term refinancing … operations with maturities above 6 months. We find that these announcements only led to a slight increase in long-term inflation …
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We study the effects of quantitative policy rate forecasts by the Federal Reserve on real yields and inflation … Projections (SEP) on real yields and breakeven inflation rates derived from government bonds for forward rates across the yield … across the yield curve. By contrast, breakeven inflation rates are little affected across the yield curve. In particular …
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. One major aim of this outreach is to guide inflation expectations; another is to ensure accountability and create trust … on the extent to which this new outreach does in fact affect inflation expectations and trust. On balance, we see some …
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to a significant reduction in real yields. By contrast, breakeven inflation rates were barely affected, if at all …, suggesting that inflation expectations have remained well-anchored, and that explicit FOMC policy rate guidance has not adversely …
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We implement a survey of Dutch households in which random subsets of respondents receive information about inflation …. The resulting exogenously generated variation in inflation expectations is used to assess how expectations affect … subsequent monthly consumption decisions relative to those in a control group. The causal effects of elevated inflation …
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Dutch household survey of short- and long-term inflation expectations, where half of respondents receive information about … household inflation expectations, but the high realisations of actual inflation did. These findings suggest that when it comes … to household inflation expectations and central bank credibility, inflation outcomes speak louder than words. The third …
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