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This study provides a unied growth theory to correctly predictthe initially negative and subsequently positive relationship between child mortalityand net reproduction observed in industrialized countries over the courseof their demographic transitions. The model captures the intricate...
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This paper develops a comprehensive endogenous growth framework to determinethe optimal mix of growth policies. The analysis is novel in that we captureimportant elements of the tax-transfer system and fully take into account transitionaldynamics in our numerical analysis. Currently, for...
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We examine associations of mass media and information and communicationstechnologies (ICT) as knowledge-based infrastructures on some economicdevelopment outcomes. We .nd that several mass media and ICT penetration variablesare negatively associated with three development outcomes: corruption,...
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This article investigates economic performance when enforceable propertyrights are missing and basic needs matter for consumption. It suggests anew view of the so-called voracity eect according to which windfall gains inproductivity induce behavior that leads to lower economic growth. Takinginto...
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In an inuential article Tornell and Lane (1999) considered an economy populatedby multiple powerful groups in which property rights in the formal sectorof production are not protected. They obtained conditions under which thegroups appropriate output from the formal sector in order to invest it...
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We analyze the cross-national distribution of GDP per capita and its evolutionfrom 1970 to 2003. We argue that peaks are not a suitable measure for distinctgrowth regimes, because the number of peaks is not invariant under strictlymonotonic transformations of the data (e.g. original vs. log...
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This paper re-examines the empirical relationship between financial development and economic growth. It presents evidence based on an updated data set, a variety of econometric methods and two standard measures of financial development: the level of liquid liabilities of the banking system and...
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This paper estimates trends in absolute poverty in urban China from 1988 to 2002 using the Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP) surveys. Poverty incidence curves are plotted, showing that poverty has fallen markedly during the period regardless of the exact location of the poverty line...
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R&D-based growth theory suggests that a larger population size raises either the long-run rate of economic growth (strong scale effect) or the level of per capita income (weak scale effect), with far-reaching policy implications. However, for modern times there is little empirical support for...
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The long-run evolution of per-capita income exhibits a structural breakoften associated with the Industrial Revolution. We follow Mokyr (2002) and embedthe idea that this structural break reflects a regime switch in the evolution of technologicalknowledge into a dynamic framework, using Airy...
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