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We experimentally investigate whether individuals can reliably detect cooperators in an anonymous decision environment by allowing participants to condition their choices in an asymmetric prisoner's dilemma and a trust game (i) on their partner's donation share to a self-selected charity, and...
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explanationsby comparing asymmetric information to social identity. Our results showthat social forces, triggered by group … behavior equally well as asymmetric information. We also findthat individuals are spuriously more optimistic toward the …
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In this paper we relate individual risk attitude as elicited by binary lotteriesand certainty equivalents to market behavior. By analyzing 26 independentmarkets with a total of 280 participants we show that binary lottery choicesand certainty equivalents are poorly correlated. Only lottery...
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We experimentally test overconfidence in investment decisions by offering participants the possibility to substitute …
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This paper focuses on egocentric biases in financial decisions. Subjects first designa portfolio, whereby each combination of assets yields the same expected returnand variance of returns. They are then confronted with two alternative portfolios;the average portfolio and the portfolio of one’s...
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In this paper we study the robustness of the deadline effect in bargaininggames using constant and slowly decreasing pies, different time horizons,and both constant and alternating role modes. With decreasing pies efficiency requires early agreements while constant pies allow for efficient late...
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. Experimental provision of return and cost information significantly increases educational aspirations. However, it does not close … the aspiration gap as university graduates respond even more strongly to the information treatment. Persistent effects in … a follow-up survey indicate that participants indeed process and remember the information. Differences in economic …
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To study how information about educational inequality affects public concerns and policy preferences, we devise survey … experiments in representative samples of the German population. Providing information about the extent of educational inequality … strong positive information treatment effect, which is increased further by informing about policy effectiveness. …
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Public preferences for charging tuition are important for determining higher education finance. To test whether public … support for tuition depends on information and design, we devise several survey experiments in representative samples of the … German electorate (N>19,500). The electorate is divided, with a slight plurality opposing tuition. Providing information on …
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, implying endogeneity of policy preferences. The information treatment also affects non-partisan swing voters. …
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