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This paper examines the impact of monetary policy on UK firms’ access to bank and market finance whenallowance is made for differences in firm-specific characteristics. A theoretical model determines the cut-off valuesfor project profitability that would allow firms to access bank or market...
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This paper investigates the role of trade credit in the transmissionof monetary policy. Most models of the transmission mechanism allowthe firm to access only financial markets or bank lending according tosome net worth criterion. In our model we introduce trade creditas an additional source of...
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We develop and analyse a simple general equilibrium model withcapital market imperfections We find that the impact of monetarypolicy on real economic activity depends on the initial distributionof wealth in the economy. Changes in the opportunity cost of fundsaffect not only the choice of...
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We develop a simple labour turnover model of general training. Upon completion of theirtraining, apprentices are equipped with general skills and they accumulate firm-specificskills by continuing working for their training firm. Job turnover is associated with a loss ofaccumulated firm-specific...
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When the equilibrium of the economy depends on the coordinationof actions of a large number of agents the level of optimism can be-come a deciding factor. We propose an equilibrium selection processwhere the level of optimism is endogenously determined...
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The paper proves that in two-player logit form symmetric contestswith concave success function, commitment to a particular strategydoes not increase a player's payo, while in contests with more thantwo players it does. The paper also provides a contest-like game inwhich commitment does not...
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Real effective exchange rate volatility is examined for 90 countries using monthlydata from January 1990 to June 2006. Volatility decreases with openness tointernational trade and per capita GDP, and increases with inflation, particularlyunder a horizontal peg or band, and with terms-of-trade...
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The fact that members of an immigrant community may have different demographiccharacteristics, or may have different tastes, to the indigenous population, may manifestitself in differences in saving behaviour. In addition, depending on their ethnicbackground, there could be differences among the...
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Common wisdom suggests that entry reduces profits of the incumbentfirms. On the contrary, we show that if the incumbents differ in marginal costs and theentrants behave like Stackelberg followers, entry may benefit the incumbents who arerelatively cost efficient while it always hurts the cost...
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This paper contributes to the literature by introducing the nexus between financial constraints and thecapital-labour uptake and by considering the capital-labour ratio to overcome the problems that haveplagued investment literature -regarding the investment-cash flow sensitivity of constrained...
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