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Selfish, strategic players may benefit from cooperation, provided they reach agreement. It is therefore important to … construct mechanisms that facilitate such cooperation, especially in the case of asymmetric private information. The two major … games and with the major solution concepts to the Nash Bargaining Problem. Moreover, the solution is based on a simple …
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We investigate the scope for cooperation within a community engaged in repeated reciprocal interactions. Players seek … ranking profiles that are most effective in sustaining cooperation in equilibrium, that is, profiles that support full … cooperation in equilibrium under the largest set of parameters. These are the profiles that spread the costs of helping others …
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mode or were induced to rely either on emotion or reason. Cooperation was measured across a series of commonly used and … that average cooperation rates increased when emotions were induced rather than reason. At the trait level, our results … show that individual decision modes and cooperation rates were not correlated when subjects could rely on their primary …
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We investigate the welfare effect of increasing competition in an anonymous two-sided matching market, where matched pairs play an infinitely repeated Prisoner's Dilemma. Higher matching efficiency is usually considered detrimental as it creates stronger incentives for defection. We point out,...
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We conduct a series of Cournot duopoly market experiments with a high number of repetitions and fixed matching. Our treatments include markets with (a) complete cost symmetry and complete information, (b) slight cost asymmetry and complete information, and (c) varying cost asymmetries and...
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We investigate the welfare effect of increasing competition in an anonymous two-sided matching market, where matched pairs play an infinitely repeated Prisoner's Dilemma. Higher matching efficiency is usually considered detrimental as it creates stronger incentives for defection. We point out,...
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first. Mutual cooperation is triggered by assuming thatwhat one passes on to the next is multiplied by a factor of 3 … sequentially. We nd thatpure indirect reciprocity enables mutual cooperation although strategicconsiderations and group size are …
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experiment compares one-shot and indefinite horizon versions of random-proposer majority bargaining (the Baron-Ferejohn game … distribution and bargaining games from three seminal social preference experiments. …
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The variable threat-bargaining model of Nash (1953) assumes that threats in the senseof binding commitments as to what … one will do if bargaining ends in conflict, are chosenbefore bargaining. By comparison, late threats to be chosen after … bargaining end in conflict,appear more natural and would be self-enforcing, i.e., require no commitment power. Insteadof …
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Least-Unmatched Price Auctions have become a popular format of TV and radio shows. Increasingly,they are also applied in internet trading. In these auctions the lowest single (unique)bid wins. We analyze the game-theoretic solution of least unmatched price auctions when prize,bidding cost and...
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