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voting outcome in period t becomes the status quo in period t+1. We study symmetric Markov equilibria of the resulting game … alternative, and the discount factor (committee impatience). We report several new findings. Voting behavior is selfish and myopic …
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Promise competition is prevalent in many economic environments, but promise keeping is often difficult to observe. We study the value of transparency for promise competition and ask whether promises still offer an opportunity to honor future obligations when outcomes do not allow for observing...
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-proof mechanism if some agents are sincere. We use lab experiments to study the preferences of subjects for the Boston mechanism or …
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the launch of the project. Examples are the Kyoto protocol, voting with different weights (shareholders, the UN with the … contributions is a Pareto-improvement to every original threshold. The contribution probabilities of some player types defined by …
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Under simple majority voting an absolute majority of voters may choose policies that are harmful to minorities. It is … the purpose of sub- and super-majority rules to protect legitimate minority interests. We study how voting rules are … choose voting rules for given distributions of gains and losses that can arise from a policy, but before learning their own …
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threshold public good games to our reward-based setting. Secondly, we develop the novel bid-cap rule. Here, pledges must only be …
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Following the notion that organizations often face public good dilemmas when collective action is needed, we use a real-time provision-point mechanism to experimentally explore the process of achieving cooperative equilibria. Specifically, besides exploring group outcomes, we identify individual...
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We examine the effects of leading by example in voluntary contributionexperiments. Leadership is implemented by letting one group membercontribute to the public good before followers do. Such leadershipincreases contributions in comparison to the standard voluntary contributionmechanism,...
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We use a two-person linear voluntary contribution mechanism with stochastic marginal benefits from the public good to examine the effect of imperfect information on contributions levels. To assess prior risk attitudes, individual valuations of several risky prospects are elicited via a...
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in public goods experiments.Leadership by example is implemented by letting one groupmember contribute to the public good …
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