Showing 1 - 10 of 148
The Brazilian agricultural market is a key source of government revenues. Therefore, many studies are being done to assess the sector's productivity gain over time. However, the regional analysis of agricultural productivity still is not investigated. This work focuses on mapping the gain of...
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This paper analyzes fairness and bargaining in a dynamic bilateral matching market. Traders from both sides of the market are pairwise matched to share the gains from trade. The bargaining outcome depends on the traders' fairness attitudes. In equilibrium fairness matters because of market...
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This paper analyzes fairness and bargaining in a dynamic bilateral matching market. Traders from both sides of the market are pairwise matched to share the gains from trade. The bargaining outcome depends on the traders' fairness attitudes. In equilibrium fairness matters because of market...
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Polish rural areas, compared to other EU-25 member states, still show a high agricultural employment due to a lack of job opportunities in other rural economic sectors. In particular, in South eastern Poland the shut down of heavy industry companies in the early 1990s left many rural inhabitants...
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Polskie obszary wiejskie nadal wykazują wysoki stopień zatrudnienia w rolnictwie w porównaniu z pozostałymi krajami Unii Europejskiej, co wynika z braku możliwości zatrudnienia w innych sektorach gospodarki na wsi. Szczególnie zamknięcie zakładów przemysłu ciężkiego we wczesnych...
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Rising energy prices for fossil fuels, the unreliable supply of energy imports during the last winters and - concerning the 12 new members states (NMS) - the demand by the European Union (EU) for developing National Renewable Energy Action Plans have stimulated the national discussion and...
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Indexfonds sind aufgrund ihrer Terminmarktgeschäfte mit Agrarrohstoffen ins Zentrum öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit und Kritik geraten. Hierzu kursieren in den Medien zahlreiche Falschinformationen, deren Korrektur sich durch klar identifizierbare Forschungslücken der empirischen Literatur...
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Among the economic activities in Brazil's Midwest region, agriculture has an important role in the regional economy, with the aim of this study to evaluate the recent situation of regional agriculture in order to identify constraints and opportunities for development and discuss actions that may...
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Much of the recent dynamism of the Brazilian agricultural sector occurred in activities developed in Brazil's South, Southeast and Midwest regions. Specifically, the Southeast region was responsible in 2006 for approximately 34% of the value of agricultural production according to data from the...
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After more than two decades of agrarian change in Tajikistan, farming structures seem to crystallise. The first signs towards farm individualisation were observed only around 2000, which were the result of significant pressure from outside, when the post-conflict state was highly susceptible to...
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