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In this paper we consider a general equilibrium model with a finite number of divisible and indivisible commodities.In models with indivisibilities it is typically assumed that there is only one perfectly divisible good, which serves as money.The presence of money in the model is used to...
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We study a simple general equilibrium model in which investment in a risky technology is subject to moral hazard and banks can extract market power rents. We show that more bank competition results in lower economy-wide risk, lower bank capital ratios, more efficient production plans and...
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A general equilibrium model is considered with multiple divisible and multiple indivisible commodities.In models with indivisibles it is always assumed that an indivisible commodity, called money, is present that is used to transfer the value of certain amounts of indivisible goods.For these...
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This paper constructs an equilibrium model of entrepreneurial innovation where individuals differ in their attitude toward uncertainty.Unlike previous models of innovation, the firm-formation process is endogenous.An entrepreneur, who owns residual profits, utilizes an uncertain technology and...
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In this paper we investigate global optimization for black-box simulations using metamodels to guide this optimization. As a novel metamodel we introduce intrinsic Kriging, for either deterministic or random simulation. For deterministic simulation we study the famous `efficient global...
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Kriging is a popular method for estimating the global optimum of a simulated system. Kriging approximates the input/output function of the simulation model. Kriging also estimates the variances of the predictions of outputs for input combinations not yet simulated. These predictions and their...
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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05E30, 05C50;
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In practice, simulation analysts often change only one factor at a time, and use graphical analysis of the resulting Input/Output (I/O) data. Statistical theory proves that more information is obtained when applying Design Of Experiments (DOE) and linear regression analysis. Unfortunately,...
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Abstract: This chapter first summarizes Response Surface Methodology (RSM), which started with Box and Wilson’s article in 1951 on RSM for real, non-simulated systems. RSM is a stepwise heuristic that uses first-order polynomials to approximate the response surface locally. An estimated...
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We investigate minimax Latin hypercube designs in two dimensions for several distance measures.For the l-distance we are able to construct minimax Latin hypercube designs of n points, and to determine the minimal covering radius, for all n.For the l1-distance we have a lower bound for the...
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