Showing 1 - 10 of 13
This study reconsiders the empirical question of whether men’s earnings increase because of children. Large Norwegian … market. The data permit family-fixed effects to be modeled in various ways, as well as observing earnings growth before and … after having children. The simple conditional correlation between children and earnings is positive. When only variation …
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In every society for which we have data, people’s educational achievement is positively correlated with their parents’ education or with other indicators of their parents’socioeconomic status. This topic is central in social science, and there is no doubt that research has intensified...
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There is relatively little research on peer effects in teenage motherhood despite the fact that peer effects, and in particular social interaction within the family, are likely to be important. We estimate the impact of an elder sister’s teenage fertility on the teenage childbearing of their...
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This study investigates how the first childbirth affects the wage processes of women who are well-established in the labour market. We estimate a flexible …fixed-effects wage regression model extended by post-childbirth…fixed effects. We use register data on West Germany and exploit the...
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What do the education premiums look like over the life cycle? What is the impact of schooling on lifetime earnings? How … earnings over the life cycle, following individuals over their working lifespan. To account for endogeneity of schooling, we … of no earnings while in school and exogenous post-schooling employment. …
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Is international migration an adaptation strategy to sudden or gradual climatic shocks? In this paper we investigate the direct and the indirect role of climatic shocks in developing countries as a determinant of out-migration flows toward rich OECD countries in the period 1990-2001. Contrarily...
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In this paper we develop a framework for studying tax competition and local public goods supply in a setting where real and fiscal externalities interact with local democracy. We use the framework (a) to analyse if there is any reason to believe that local autonomy generally will give a tax race...
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The standard economic approach to tax policy has to a large extent relied on welfarist theories of justice, in particular the utilitarian view that the government should try to maximize the sum of individual welfare. This welfarist framework has proved a productive point of departure for much...
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A model for matched data with two types of unobserved heterogeneity is considered — one related to the observation unit, the other to units to which the observation units are matched. One or both of the unobserved components are assumed to be random. This mixed model allows identi…cation of...
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I address the causes of the gender wage gap with a new dynamic model of wage, hours, and job changes that permits me to decompose the gap into a portion due to gender differences in preferences for part-time work and in onstraints. The dynamic model allows the differences in constraints to...
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