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We implement a binary trust game between 211 married couples from low-income households in urban India. In a separate experiment, these spouses randomly received either only a joint savings device (control) or, additionally, a device for individual usage (treatment). Combining data from both...
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Italy and Norway are characterized by different household patterns of young adults, with young Italians being more likely to live in their parents' house and young Norwegians more likely to live independently, alone or in multi-occupant households. This paper asks why, and how these differences...
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In this paper we discuss a particular marriage model, i.e., a model for the number of marriages for each age … (1998) where it is demonstrated that a specific matching game played at the individual level imply, under specific … assumptions about the distribution of the preferences, a convenient expression for the corresponding structural marriage model …
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so, examine the role of colleges as marriage markets. Using data from Norway to address key identification and … measurement challenges, we find that colleges are local marriage markets, mattering greatly for whom one marries, not because of …
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Several previous studies have argued that marriage leads to a decline in criminal propensity. Most of these studies … marriage are anticipatory and strongest for men. The changes in offending vary substantially by partner's criminal history. …
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Using Norwegian register data on all individuals born 1985 to 2000 who were either native-born or who immigrated as children or teens (N=1,013,734), the current study investigated timing of first co-residential union and choice of union type in the period 2005 through 2018. Descriptive results...
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immigrated as children or teens, in combination with data from the World Marriage Database, we investigate how residential … partner markets and marriage behavior in countries of origin shape partner choice and choice of union type in Norway. Results … singulate mean age of marriage (SMAM) in countries of origin was positively related to cohabitation, whereas those originating …
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propensities to form families via marriage or a nonmarital first birth among the majority population and the children of immigrants … America. Results demonstrated a generational shift toward the Nordic late marriage pattern among women and men originating …
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In the current paper, we investigate within-couple inequality in earnings using Norwegian register data on married and cohabiting couples. We are particularly interested in assessing whether the negative relation between children and women’s relative earnings changed during the study period...
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The family life courses of immigrants and their descendants, particularly intermarriage and the timing of marriage and …
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