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We present a scheme for analysing income tax perturbations, applied to a real Norwegian tax reform during 2016 - 2018. The framework decomposes the reform into a structural reform part and a tax level effect. The former consists of a distributional impact and a social effi ciency effect measured...
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of different economies and welfare policy regimes: Denmark, Italy, Norway, Portugal and United Kingdom. We then simulate …
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Models of labor supply derived from stochastic utility representations and discretized sets of feasible hours of work have gained popularity because they are more practical than standard approaches based on marginal calculus. In this paper we argue that practicality is not the only feature that...
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The purpose of the paper is to provide a discussion of the various approaches for accounting for labour supply responses in microsimulation models. The paper focus attention on two methodologies for modelling labour supply: 1) The discrete choice model. 2) The random utility – random...
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The official measure to analyse poverty in Germany is the at-risk-of-poverty rate, defined as 60 per cent of the median net equivalence income. The severe methodological weaknesses of this rate seem to be the main source for the uncertainty that the issue of poverty in Germany generates in the...
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According to Sen (1976), any reasonable poverty index ought to be sensitive to inequality. In a multidimensional framework, inequality between poverty dimensions is traditionally treated as association sensitivity. Such an approach, however, is based exclusively on efficiency considerations,...
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The notion of the group of orthogonal matrices acting on the set of all feasible identification schemes is used to … characterize the identification problem arising in structural vector autoregressions. This approach presents several conceptual … uninformative prior. Second, it allows to derive the joint distribution of blocks of parameters defining an identification scheme …
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This paper discusses identification, estimation and testing in panel data models with attrition. We focus on a … establishes conditions for identification and consistent estimation based on the pseudo likelihood function. It is also shown that …
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superfluous information as auxiliary tools of exact identification. To illustrate the procedure and to study the simultaneous …
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We find empirical evidence of a financial accelerator using a data based procedure of Structural Model Design. Credit to firms, asset prices and aggregate economic activity interact over the business cycle in our empirical model of a dynamic economy. Furthermore, the interdependence between...
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