Showing 1 - 7 of 7
This paper analyzes market capacity expansion in the presence of intertemporal consumption externalities such as consumer learning, networks, or bandwagon effects. The externality leads to an endogenous shift of market demand that responds to past market capacity. Whereas market capacity grows...
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This paper analyzes the market diffusion of a new product whose quality is uncertain. Consumers learn the product quality by observing the history of market outcomes. Firms cannot observe how consumers evaluate the product quality; instead, they learn by observing consumer behavior. New entry...
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This paper analyzes market diffusion in the presence of oligopolistic interaction among firms. Market demand is positively related to past market size because of consumer learning, networks, and bandwagon effects. Firms enter the market freely in each period with fixed costs and compete in...
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This paper analyzes the market diffusion of a new product whose quality is uncertain. Consumers learn the product quality by observing the history of market outcomes. Firms cannot observe how consumers evaluate the product quality and learn it in response to consumerfs behavior. As a result of...
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In this paper, we construct an interregional trade model that has en- dogenous fertility rates in the manner of Helpman and Krugman (1985). The presented model shows that fertility rates in a large region become lower than those in a small region because of the agglomeration of man- ufacturing...
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This paper analyzes market diffusion in the presence of oligopolistic interaction among firms. Market demand is positively related to past market size because of consumer learning, networks, and bandwagon effects. Firms enter the market freely in each period with fixed costs and compete in...
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This paper constructs a model of anticompetitive exclusive dealing in the presence of multiple entrants. Unlike a single-entrant model in the extant literature, an entrant competes not only with the incumbent to deal with buyers but also with other entrants. The competition among entrants then...
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