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The US skill premium and college enrollment have increased substantially over the past few decades. In addition, while low-wage earners worked more than highwage earners in 1970, the opposite was true in 2000. We show that a parsimonious neoclassical model featuring skill-biased technical...
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of positive effects emerge. With respect to takeovers of German companies by foreign investors, the productivity and … international, we find positive productivity and sales effects for relatively small companies investing abroad, and this …
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relative to their productivity and the effective cost of capital in low-complexity tasks. Minimum wages and other sources of … capital or one of a continuum of labor skills. We characterize conditions for interior automation, whereby tasks of … advantage in the most complex tasks relative to capital, and because the wages of the least skilled workers are sufficiently low …
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Recent innovation literature has documented the benefits of cross-pollination of ideas across a wide set of industries and technology fields in an economy. Industrial and trade policies, by contrast, tend to favor economic specialization through the promotion of selected sectors. In this paper...
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